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Could I have this little cutie plz?!

Of course! I'll transfer them to you right away! <3

Thank you!! Also, what’s their species?

You're welcome! ヾ(^∇^) They're a part of an alien species known as Keronians whose home planet is known as Keron. The species and their lore all coming from a manga/anime known as Keroro Gunso AKA Sgt Frog. In the fandom, these fan-keronians are called orikero. :) I'm not as into Keroro Gunso as I used to be, but it's honestly a really great manga/anime and I totally recommend it! It's a comedy with bits of slice-of-life and action with the basic synopsis is very similar to Invader Zim actually. Alien main character, whose society is built upon conquering other planets, lands on Earth (or Pekopon as it's called in KG) but is really bad at actually conquering it. In this instance though the alien ends up becoming best friends with the human character rather than enemies. UvU

Thanks UwU

Of course! Enjoy your new babby!!! <3