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anyone in working on folder?

I really liked: !!

However I know that like, you have designed characters n stuff-

If you'd like a different option, I'd absolutely love for you to possibly design the Cham MYO slot I just won in the slot sales this month? And I could do the Impim in return?

Edit: I think I actually ended up finding something else for the Cham slot design, BUT I'd be down for a regular custom by you if you'd do that!! Although the OC i saw above would definitely be cool too!!

what would u like for a custom? :³

Maybe a crested gecko of some sorts, not really sure!! Maybe you could go wild with it, so long as it's a gecko? O:

I did like the yellow palette, so maybe something along those lines for the gecko? :)

I haven't gotten a reply in a bit! Are you still interested?

ye im doing the custom :³

Ah cool!!! Just wanted to check!! 💖

Oh! Btw! Do you have an estimated date/time you think the custom will be done? Absolutely no rush!

2 Replies