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uh oh

i also remember my friend had this weird dream where he was outside and this guy told him "do you want to see what the sky looks like normally?" and then the guy did something and the whole sky just became a dark blue mass of stars with visible constellations and stuff 

and then he looked at the guy and asked "what do i do with this information?" and the guy said "be careful"

well then,

my friend knows something about the universe that we should not know

not exactly a dream but he also had surgery recently and when he woke up the first thing he talked about was how he and an eagle went shopping


interesting fellow

and then last night i had a dream that at one point involved carrying around this giant sausage-like piece of meat and it was made out of spam (that kind of canned meat) or something??

and then i dropped part of it somehow and then someone i really didn't like tried to give me a notebook so i slapped him in the face with a slice from the sausage