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✶ Hello I did a general threecard spread for you with the past (context), present (focus) and future (outcome). ✶


 Past ⋆ Justice VII
Everything that had happened in the past is in accordance with what the universe has decided for your natural rhythm. As such the ebb and flow of those who have wronged you have the sword of justice looming above their actions. Someone who has hurt you in the past has faced the consequences of harming you when you had dismissed them from your present self. You were focused on healing and as such, whatever they may have done to you has been healed by your own inner mind. Giving yourself the power to do that has hurt the violator who cannot find peace with your missing.

⚝ Present ⋆ Two of Swords
Right now you're heart and mind are disturbed of it's natural peace. Your problem was cut off but your mind is still obsessed with doubts, silence, and rampant emotions tied to what you've cut. You're split on your decisions. You long for hope knowing deep down that there's no true reason to keep holding that hope. However, the more you think of your choices, the stronger they seem to sway in one direction. To overcome the emotional burden the card is telling you to look inwards and discard outside feelings. You need to trust yourself. Your mind and intuition will guide you through these times as a light through an otherworldly voice.

⚝ Future ⋆  Ace of Cups
In your heart, you are a generous and giving person. To you, that's what love means and it is as innocent and as sweet as a child. There is so much love that you're meant to give to yourself. In the future when you have healed from these darker times, your self-worth will flourish. A lot of change will come with this but, it is all positive. You will have many people admire the person you have become and aspire to grow into someone like you. You will find a lot of inner peace that shines so brightly, others will be in awe of your garden built on self love. Your mind will become tranquil and you'll live free of care from your past selves doubts if you focus on yourself now.