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Hello ! I'm sorry, I have never done that before ! How does it work exactly ? Do I have to ask a very specific question or something more vague ? :'o

Hello ^^ Don't worry about it I'm more than happy to explain to the best of my ability! Fortune telling is a very personal way to find introspection on your life and questions that may be idly in your mind. Sometimes having no questions at all can spark something deeper in your heart that you may want spiritual guidance on. General readings are usually done with tarot to try and pry those questions and meanings out of your subconscious so that you can further assess what you might want to look for inside of yourself even if you're not exactly sure what you're looking for.

It can actually be a little bit of both, specific and a little vague! Questions that should be avoided are typically ones that are far too specific, meant for others without permission, death, and dates for the future.

Does he/she/they love me? What's my soulmate's name? When am I going to get married? Am I pregnant?
"Are we better suited as friends?"
"What can I do to attract my crush?"
"How can I strength my bond with my partner(s)?"

"Will I win the lottery? / What are the lottery numbers? Am I going to get a promotion? Should I take this job?" 
"What is blocking me from my financial success?"
"Is it in my best interest to start my business?"
"Is this a good time to change my career path?"

"When am I going to die? Will this make me sick? Will I recover from this illness?"
"What is preventing me from taking better care of myself?"
"How can I improve my overall health?"
"Is there something I should be avoiding in my life that is affecting my well being?"

General questions are also fine such as,
"Is there something better waiting for me?"
"What is something in the past that is still haunting me today?"
"Will saying no to this help my anxiety?"

The questions, in general for tarot, should be more geared towards yourself and left with an open end discussion so that they can talk to you and not so much give you a singular specific answer with no depth and possibly be very innaccurate! Pendulums are more for yes, and no type of questions but should still be geared more or less for yourself and not for someone else specifically (without permission) like tarot. I hope that makes sense! I'm terribly sorry if it was long! I tried my best to explain it to the best of my ability and if you have any further questions please let me know! If you're having trouble putting your question into words I'd also love to help with that and rephrase the question with you ☆!


This was actually very interesting, and you definitely sparkled my interest ! I'm really curious now ! Thank you very much for your very appreciated explanation ! 

Can I ask things like "Why can't I let go of my past ?"

And do you need an overall context and the reasons beyond the question, or the less you know the better it is ? :'o

Sorry for the delay! I got suddenly busier than I expected yesterday! I'm so glad I could spark your interest in this sort of thing I love talking about it! Yes, you can absolutely ask something like that and if you wanted to go more in depth with the question we could then look towards a clarity reading. This would be a much bigger reading that focuses on a really detailed look inwards and how to heal from the things that may be holding you back. I do think for something that personal we should probably go to DM's just to be safe with privacy of your inner self if you wanted to try something like that just because it's so big and with a lot of context (I'm thinking something like a Celtic cross clarity focused reading which would be ten cards ^ v ^)/