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Oh gosh thank you for the follow back. I absolutely love your designs. I hope to snag one someday.

aww of course!!Β this is so sweet and means a lot to hear, thank you!!πŸ˜­πŸ’•

Absolutely! I saw a dobbie you designed a bit ago, and was absolutely astounded at how pretty it was! I love your little detailed markings that you put on designs that don't overcomplicate them.

At some point, if I can afford it, I gotta get a custom from you!

AAAA omg im honored!!!πŸ˜­πŸ’–πŸ’– thank you so much!!

The funniest thing was is that I follow you on twitter and have followed you a while, but not here! I was so mad that I missed that!

RIPPP OH NOO i’m sorry 😭😭!!Β 

3 Replies