Comments on Selling some loved characts cause Hydra got hacked All Comments and

I can purchase these two at asking price (20 and 17, so 37 I believe)

Sorry for the late response! I just woke up aaaa 😭

I can let them both go together at 30 instead of 37!! It's the amount that I lost to said hacker after all aAA

Of course!! Would you be willing to hold for a week (next Friday is my next paycheck), or would you prefer upfront payment? I'm only asking because I have to pay off my car this weekend QwQ if not, I can still pay today, I just wanted to ask that!

AAAA usually I would and am willing to do holds ;; v ;; But in this scenario, lowkey I don't think I can, weeps ;;
Though if you need any extra to pay off for your car, I can try to spare a few allowances and send some over !! Regardless, thank you so much for your help Kai, waaa qq;;;

No worries!! I can send the USD over rn, if you're able to send me your PayPal c:

Waaaa, I'll DM you ! ; v ;