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Yeah. ^^ I wasn't sure I was going to like it when I first got the code, but it was super easy to figure everything out. I actually just bought a premium this month to help support the site. It was really helpful when I went to make folders and put the characters where they belong, because it lets you do them all at once, instead of having to edit each one. And now I get two codes a week to raffle off on DA, so more people can join. ^^

Oh wow thats pretty neat ;v; and very nice of you to do with those codes but aha unfortunately I cant get my own premi on this website since I have no money and no paypal and stuff which sucks but luckily this site is still beyond functional without a premium *A* <3

Thanks! That's the main reason I bought the premium, that and so I could give one to my brother. ^^ I actually bought mine with my last paycheck, since I finally got around to linking my bank account to my paypal. I wish I could have jsut payed with my card, rather than linking my account to my paypal. >< Makes it too easy to spend all my hard earned money on paypal adopts. >< Which is something I try not to do.