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You're welcome! I look forward to seeing more of your characters, you have some really cute ones <3 And no worries! I won't hunt anyone down XD Since I also am guilty of having several characters I should give a bit more love eue'

Aaa thank you! I love my children to bits ;v;; at least now i dont have to worry about dying to a wild Mima- I am too- bUT COMMISSIONS KRILL ME ;;

I also love all of mine <3 But it's hard to find the time to draw and work on every one of them, I currently have something above 300 or 400 named characters? Gotta find the time to work a bit on all of them XD I FEEL YOU TOO MANY COMMISSIONS TO DO But I just can't stop getting more whenever I finish the current batch >-<

o-o;; omai 300 or 400?? ( i dont even have like 20 children? ;v; ) IKR like I want to do so much art of the but WHY SCHOOL //shakes fist @ the sky samE I KEEP ADDING MORE EVEN THOUGH IM LIKE ALMOST DONE-

Yeah, but actually most of them only have a name, a basic personality and not even a drawn design... I create lots of story prompts and the characters to go with them, so this is the main reason for me having so many and increasing XD I also would love to be able to draw my characters more <3 I hope both of us can find more time to give love to our babes >u<

Ohhh so like "Manipulaitive, something something"? Some times its so hard to design something half decent ;v;;; I cant world build for the love of god, so like only 5% of them have definate universes that they belong in- Don't we all would love to draw our charaters more ;v; I do too >vo)b bUT I HAVE THIS BIG PROBLEM OF LIKE MONEY. I see thiS REALLY NICE ADOPT AND IM LIKE I NEED IT IN MAH LYFE ;; "50$ USD" //sobs loudly bc of CAD

3 Replies