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Yay I can count.    

And yes, while I'm aware it is a lot and normally I wouldn't offer this much, maybe half that amount; but seeing how this is you and for a really good cause, I jumped it up a bit higher. OwO But to help your guilt so you don't feel bad?    How about we go with the lowest price that I offered so add the 75$ to the 183$ for a grand, final total of = 258$

I hate invoices with a damn passion, I really do but if it will make you feel better to do so that is fine, as long as its of course still in USD and not another currency. >.< If you do not remember my paypal addy then I'll send you a NOTE in a second with it ( I don't want that public xD; ) And then, I hope that means you'll get your ref posted for Over and Over again for the slot and do the PP transfer note ASAP please?  

Sounds good! ♥

And I definitely don't have to do an invoice if you don't prefer it, I just know how much you like to keep things organized so I thought you might like it more! >w< But if you'd rather send direct, I an totally okay with that, too!
Just let me know which you would rather do! >w< ♥ ♥

And yes, I will get those updated as soon as I can, I'm doing the transfer of PP note right now! ; w ;

Yeah I do love my organization XD but it's fine. I can take a screenshot of this bulletin and link to the payment as proof - should you ever decide to delete the bulletin. I know many folks do once it no longer applies. But I trust you'll mark me accordingly on the slots and update the refs to sold to me and if not, we know I paid and I'm the one who does the incoming group tickets anyways so it won't be an issue there either. x'P Then if you don't mind doing the TH transfers for those since they are already uploaded here hehe! <3 <3 Anddd the money has been sent to ya dearie. I rounded it up to 260$, hope that is fine? lol

THANK YOU SO MUCH and I know it's not a lot, especially compared to what you need but we all have our own budget and bills to cover too. But I hope this helps in some way for the puppy to get better asap and not worse. And thank you too for the pretties! I promise I'll take good care for and the PeaPoints has me SUPER amped ; even at paying higher than might be necessary lol! You're worth it. ^_^

When you get a chance dearie, can you do the transfers over to me please for these two (since they are paid for now) ♥ ♥ and

I know you have a lot going on but I know how you can forget things too =P so this is my way of helping you to not forget please. XD

Sorry for the delay on those two! I was so focused on the pea stuff, forgot about those two! Transfers should be pending now! ♥

No worries, I saw that you took care of all those already, including the note - THANK You so much ♥ and for these as well! I'd bug you for more peas buuuut honestly, I feel bad so I'll leave you alone and I feel better knowing I helped a little. xD I hope you are able to get all that you need to help the puppy. <3 <3 When the puppy is home and better, I hope you share some photos! OwO