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-Modern AU (main)

Name: Hirawa Kazumi

(Hirawa= plain of Harmony   Kazumi= Peace/Beauty)

Stage Name: Akita

Age: 22

Like: Fluffy animals(expecially cute dogs), Sweets, warm clothes

Dislike: Being abandoned/left alone, feeling cold, really dark places


Kazumi was born in a rich family but he had a "rare disease" that make his body weaker. When his parents found it out, they abandoned him in a orphanage since they needed a strong heir for their company. In that orphanage, Kazumi was bullied and abused everyday until he could somehow leave it. After he excaped, he tried to find a place where he could stay. He couldn't find any and since night was coming he went in a little alley where he found a littke place where he could rest; The night was cold but somehow he could sleep a little anyway. Some time passed since he started living in the alley and he was barely alive thanks to a little dog that brought him a little something to eat sometimes and slept with kim to share some heat.

One day he fainted in the middle of a park after he tried to follow his little friend. No one noticed him except for a girl that seemed older than him that run toward him and asked worried if he was ok. Since she saw that he couldn't answer, she asked again if she could take him with her and after Kazumi nodded, he fainted completly. 

When he woke up he found himself in an unknown room but he felt comfortable, even thought his whole body was in pain. After a little, the little girl entered throw the door and after she saw Kazumi awake, she immediately felt relieved and called the doctors to see his situation. After the visit the doctors said that the worst passed but he wasn't completly out of danger yet. After the doctor went out, she sat next to him and told him that she looked into his past and that she was horrified by the cruelty of his parents. Kazumi immediately said that it wasn't their fault but his own because he was born with a sickly and weak body. The girl took Kazumi's head between her hands and said that it wasnt with an angry tone. After that she started to tell him what happened. After he fainted she immediately brought him at her home and called the doctors. They visited him and found out that he was in a worst state than what they thought: he was malnutrished tu such an extent that any other child would have died times ago, he had food poisoning, a really bad high fever and a lot more but the worst was his old disease that was left alone for too long. 

The doctors, horrified, immediately went to work to be able to cure him in every possible way, hoping to be in time to save him. It took almost 3 weeks to make him stable and avoid the worst. After that it depended on Kazumi and his will of living  if he would woke up or not. It took a week for Kazumi to woke up but after that everyone was relieved.

Kazumi had to go throw weeks of rehabilitation, medicines and visits everyday but after almost a month, the doctors finally said that he was fine, tho he had to have a visit few times every month and continue take his medicines. He couldn't believe that he was almost completly healed even from his "rare disease" and that he could live normally again. He started crying from happines and the girl hugged and comforted him until he calmed. After that she proposed him if he wanted to work with her and live at her family house until he could live alone. Kazumi immediately nodded, he could finally live freely in the way he prefer.  After that he started working as a child model and even thought it was hard he did the possible to do his best.

After some years , at the age of 22, he is a popular model, actor and aspiring solo idol requested by a lot of agencies and directors.

-Fantasy AU (optional)

Name: Kazumi(Peace/Beauty)

Age: 22

Race: unknown ( wolf + vampire/demon)

Like: Fluffy animals(expecially cute dogs), Sweets, warm clothes

Dislike: Being abandoned/left alone, feeling cold, really dark places


When he was young, Kazumi lived happily with his mother in a little wolf village (he was still so little that he couldn't take an humanoid form). One day the village was attacked by armed mercenaries and a few asave-traders. The villagers tried to protect themself while the weaker ones excaped but the village was surrounded and they were brutally defeated. They captured the cubs together with anyone that they could sell; the others were killed or taken to do labours. Kazumi was hidden into his mother embrace until they arrived at the slave house. There he was separated with his mother and throwed into a cage. He was scared and he was freezing because of the cold air that was entering from the window. 

Times passed and he wanted to see his mother more and more; the last time he felt her presence was a month or two ago when she was taken away from the cage room. In those months Kazumi was audictioned many times but no one wanted to take him because he couldn's shapeshift and because he had a different aspect than the other cubs. After he returned behind the curtains because no one bought him, he was punished by whipping until he couldn't move and then he was throwed into his cage again. 

The day when his last audiction was held Kazumi felt his mother presence but it was strange, it was weaker like if it was about to disappear. When he was about to go on the stage he saw her, she was on the floor and her body was full of wounds. Kazumi tried to go to her but the rope stopped him. When his mother saw him, she started crying and while she tried to reach out to him she called him while saying that she was sorry for everything that happened. At that point something inside Kazumi snapped and in a few seconds he was helding his mother in his arms while crying. She was happy to being able to see him a last time so while smiling she said a few words: I love you, Kazumi. You have to be happy. I'm sorry to leave you alone again. Before closing her eyes she gave a little pendant to him and just said: find your father, he will definitely help you.

When kazumi went on the stage there was a huge astonishment; no one ever saw someone as beautiful as him. He had a beautiful pale skin and eyes that resembled the stars while he was crying also his ears and tail disappeared completly. The bidding skyrocked immediately and he was sold at the highest price ever in the whole history after the slave that was called a goddess descended in the human world because of her beauty. 

He had to follow his buyier until his home where he was dressed like a doll. After that he was browght to his owner bedroom where he was observed and went throw everything possible. He felt pain everywhere but he wasn't allowed to go away until his owner was satisfied. He was brought to an empity room where he finally cryied without restriction. Kazumi didn't care about the state of his body but he couldn't bear the pain to be alone again. The pendant reacted to his sentiments and he was surrounded by a strange mist, the same when that he helped him to go to his mother. Kazumi felt a strange attraction toward a certain direction, like if what he wanted was in that direction. He standed and thanks to the strange dark mist a path opened. He continued walking like if he was controlled while the mist destroyed everything that stopped him. When he was out he regained his senses and saw the villa that was burning because of black flames while collapsing. 

He just started walking into the direction that the shrunked black mist was showing. He walked for weeks until he reached a mansion even bigger that the one he just excaped from... It seamed like a castle. He went in front of the main gate but he was stopped. The black mist started to appear like if Kazumi was in danger, but it was stopped when the owner of the house appeared and opened the gate. Kazumi felt like he knowed him and he was right; the beautiful man hugged him and just said his mother's name with a soft voice while a few tears falled on the ground. The man took him inside and make the doctors come. Kazumi was shocked, in that Mansion there were only demihumans workers.

The man, as he thought, was his father and he told him about his proibithed love with his mother and about how he had to leave with her because he had more wolf traits while his sister had to stay with their father because she took more vampire/demon traits. His twin sister entered the room a little after the end of the explaination, She had white hairs with lightblue shades and her eyes were one like his and the other like their mother's. She walked toward him and he did the same; his trembling hand was slowing reaching out her cheek so she she immediately hugged him. He hugged her back too; he felt at home. Their father joined the hug too and lifted both of them and announced that that evening they had to add a new spot at the table.

Since that day he started to live happily and even thought he missed his mother, he did his best to be happy like she wished.

Now at the age of 22, he goes around with his sister to help the ones that like him become slaves giving them a home and protection under his father's name.