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Found you! Thank you for subbing!

Sweet no problem at all! ; w;

*dacnes* How are you liking the site so far? I am still very confused with a few settings ;;;_;;

I'm digging it so far actually! People seem like... nice and friendly here. I like it. <:3

What's up? Maybe I can help? ;w;

Sweet! That's a good thing! I agree! They are very nice here! o w o I'm still confused on PM/Private messages and is that the IC? I have to relearn CSS code XD'' I need to make a nice looking icon for each of my characters 0v0; so it doesn't look messy >A<

Ah yeah, I'm still getting the hang of the CSS frame here as well ;w;

Private messages are like notes on dA and IC means "in character", making it easy for people to roleplay ;w;

I feel ya, I've been debating on doing that as well but I just can't be arsed ;A; So much work hhhngh