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heya! since your bio says your dts are open, would you be willing to do one? :eye:

oh sure, if you'd do a dragon!

sure thing! for your half, i'd like a dragon as well--based off of this mb! do note that i don't really like designs that have a lot of flowers / hearts on them pfft; and if you feel like using bright colors instead, then you can make a scenecore-ish dragon with this mb ; but if you don't wanna do either of those i also have a prompt that i would really like :eyes:

i can totally do the coffee shop moodboard! as for your half i'd like a navy blue and black scaly dragon with silver runic accent markings :] specifics don't really matter since i'll be making it one of my personal species, i just like getting designs from other people for variety!

alright! is there a specific palette you’d like me to use, and certain physical features? that would be helpful hehe

hmm think winter, nighttime, stars, bat wings with 4 fingers and a thumb, spikes :) doesnt have to be exact palette idea:

3 Replies

sketch/concept! do you want any edits? if not ill finish it up :]

ooh that looks amazing! it'd be awesome if you could have some desaturated blue accents on small parts, and maybe some gold accents on the wings and tail :eye: