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oof, it sucks when you have to scrap a design idea, but the second one is usually quite better :DD

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true, true

if you’re ever overwhelmed, i wouldn’t mind helping out with the designs a bit!! whether providing tips or making the design, i’m fine with anything 💖

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i will never stop >:D

and that’s the thing, when you give designs to people who only have scratch, they’re likely to die out and be forgotten by the owner. but i don’t know if i’d be the best owner either seeing as i don’t draw my characters often-

i’ve been working on drawing the ones i connect with more and giving the ones i don’t to better homes, but i tend to have a hoarding issue because i love a design, but can never find the time to draw them-

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17 Replies

i just finished this design [ ] so i’m in the designing kind of mood atm. i really wanted to keep that character i designed though-