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Payment sent 

I got a payment, but it's only $18.08 for some reason ($16.90 with the Paypal fee) so I'm not sure why that happened. Did you send over $25?

Yes. It’s because of your currency. I’d have to pay more than $25 in order for you to actually get $25 in your currency. I tried changing it to just USD but PayPal will convert no matter what 

*squints* nnnnvvmm??? It just flat out sent $18.08 even though I put in 25 and then set it to USD on both sides.????

Ok.. I sent over $6.92 as friends and family since you already ate a fee.

It's ok!! I didn't think you were trying to underpay or anything! Paypal can be a bit weird sometimes so I wasn't sure what that was about omg

Thanks so much for paying the difference though, and I'll send over the transfer for you now!

Definitely… I think I’m gonna try to migrate to cashapp more 

thank you!