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hihiii! I'll definitely think about this offer... I'll have to see if anyone ABs any of those in a week or so! I'll let you know, BUT IM SO EXCITED TO SEE THE ART U DO!!!

Alrighty ^^ 

And I'm really happy with how the arts going so far, I'll hopefully have it done tomorrow:)))

Heyo! I'm not sure if you're still interested, but if you are I'll take ur offer! Let me know whatcha think when you can! ^-^ <33

I forgot about this lol, but yes I'm still interested ^^

Lol sweet!! I'm not sure how much art you wanna do for just the one, so you have free range! Feel free to pick anybody from my first three folders, just avoid the side OCs folder and FS folder! You can pick any1 and do anything! >:D

I'll probably do the same as I offered before, and alrighty :)

Do you want me to send the characters I plan on drawing here before i start on em?

9 Replies