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Now I absolutely LOVE this reply and your reasoning for it!! :D I'm so, SO glad you appreciate Spider's friendliness! One key aspect about her character and design is the whole "spooky outside, sweet inside" bit! No matter how unsettling her exposed mechanisms may seem, she's an absolute total babby who wouldn't even hurt a fly, and would happily run up to you and nuzzle up for some pats! People might be afraid of her at first, but once they realize she means no harm, they'll have an endoskeleton dino buddy by their side! ^w^

Honestly, I totally agree with you on loving to see characters that are genuinely friendly! Too many times I've seen animatronic and robotic characters either be 1) friendly in the day but killers at night 2) always emotionless with no real emotions, and it can get sooooo tedious!
Spider, along with my other animatronic Furball, are just happy AI's that genuinely love making friends and interacting! Besides Spider's general outside looks, there's absolutely nothing spooky about them, and I made em specifically to have some robotic rays of sunshine in an otherwise filled-to-the-brim fanbase with emotionless and killer robots <XD