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Oh! Yes i'd be happy to do this new design for you! I love the idea of a dragon-esq wolf!

I don't normally work with anthro, but I'd be happy to do both an anthro and a feral version of the design to send to you, then you can decide which of the two you would prefer!

Also, I have quite a long to-do list at the moment, so It may take me a little while to get it done. But expect to receive the complete design within a week or two!

Totally fine!

I don't mind waiting a week or two as long as I get at least one notification to show you're still alive and working on it haha ^^

Hello there!!

Just wanted to let you know that your custom is going well! I'm doing a primarily antrho design, but I have a little feral example in the corner as well!

Here's how it's going so far! Wanted to check in with you to see how you feel about it <3 :

omg he look simply amazing so far!

A real bad boy <3

I can't wait for him to be fully done

Ah hello again! I've finished the demon bab! 

I've tagged your adopt account, but I figured i'd send the link here as well!
I had so much fun designing this guy, I've never done anthro before! I hope you enjoy <3