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Name: Sunshine
Gender: Female
Age: Over 1 billion years
Personality: Mature, Intelligent, Caring
Bio: Long ago, she was created to take control of the sun. She was made from the sun, she pretty much was sun. She made sure the gases in the sun were doing fine and that the sun had enough energy and she got to watch space and humans for years and years. There were whole civilizations and families inside the sun. She was the "chosen one" by the #$@*&^. Though she never knew what this ment, she still had fun being worshipped and having control of the Sun... Until it was time to let the sun go and move on to her 2nd universe... She finally knew what "chosen one" ment... She had to keep control of suns/stars in every universe (this resets everytime the sun explodes) So when the time came... she had to cause mass destruction and kill everyone she knew and loved... After coming to the next universe (Which was just like this one) She had to take control of the sun again... being forced to wipe out everyone... after she just killed everybody on Earth and the Sun... She couldn't take it anymore and took terrible care of the Sun, neglecting her duties. This ended up causing harm to the people on Earth and now that she found out she still feels the same after hurting people when the times not up, she went back and is now trying to desperately fix everything.