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My god I can't even imagine what it would've been like to meet him.. my heart would literally burst but I wouldn't mind dying right then and there

God that's so good for y'all........ anything for Sebastian.. I'd go to the ends of the earth for one (1) man

I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO W MYSELF i was like uhHHHHhhhhhHHHHHH i!!!! love u!!!!!! pls dont mind me im just dying inside!!!

JuSt looking at him.. understandable, I’d lose my mind too 😭😭Sebastian is just - ever see a man so beautiful you cry cause I almost did one night scrolling through images of him

that's me every night @ 2 am scrolling through my instagram explore page that's basically just 99% sebstan or bucky content

wow i'm so glad i've found someone who understands

After a hard day, a bucket full of Seb heals the heart, soul, and mind enough to last for a couple months

God same.. I’ve kept my intense love under control to not bombard anyone but finally, a comrade 

it's gotten to the point where my friends send me seb pictures instead of cat videos when i'm feeling down

like yes hello u may not understand my love but thank u for supporting & sustaining me 

ALSO im so hyped for the bucky falcon show??? ive been waiting for a seb & mackie buddy cop show for TOO LONG and my prayers have finally been answered... although bucky & steve's ending in endgame still makes me wanna punch something

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