Comments on Beromimi trade/resell center [21] - MYO slots [0] All Comments Start of Thread Parent

edit. oh why the comment look so broken.. o]--[

looking to swap/trade this official bero | kinda picky for non swap offer


-official swap, i'll look at any misheta made bero!

-myo premade bero

-linehearts or dreamy

-arts offer, pls include what/how much, turnaround time and examples!

feel free to reply or pm!

Updated, thank you !

Hey there ! ergrtgr I've loved this child for a while ;////; now that I'm more free I can finally offer art ! 

Here are my exemples : since the amount would greatly vary depending on the styles you like I can't exactly offer a set amount but I'd down to do quite a lot ! 

Turnaround : very max. one month, most likely much less ! 

thank you for your offer but i'll pass ; o ; tho i'll consider you if i still have him n more actively trading him if you don't mind!

I would love that tbh ;///; I remember I had offered a dainty slot in the past that I had to trade in along a shit ton pf money to get a dream baby ;___; But yeah I understand and my offer will still be out there anyway ! If I come across something on your whishlist I'll shoot a pm your way !