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Psst, you may not recognize this username, but this is Naysae from dA, winks 👀

Awww hi! Thanks for reaching out to me! ;w; I still haven't made a ton of friends on here yet lol xD

(Sorry I'm replying so late too!) 

(Hey no it's okay I understand that! I'm really bad at responding to replies myself still so I get that AHA)

But it really is no problem ; 7 ; I only had just found out about you having an account through Vivyi and I just-- had to see it for myself / v \  I don't mind being your friend; I need to make more myself in general LMAO

Also,,,holy shit thank you for faving Jun's, Levi's and Hwan's pages's actually kind of ironic but funny you faved Jun and Levi though, because all you need is to add Casey in there and it would've been perfect. You could say those three boys are my favorite/main trio ; v ;