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Thank you for the comment about Batal and the favs of him and Vinca <3 If you do ever decide to get back into MH I'd be happy to chat anytime :D (or really anytime in general whether you do or not, haha. making friends is great!)

You're welcome! I really want to get back in the fandom but I honestly don't know where to start. I literally remember when they just created the website and now everything is so new. I haven't had anything to do with MH since the movies started coming out I honestly don't know what's happening. (The website changed? So many new characters? so confused.)

haha well you should be happy to hear they're preparing for a complete overhaul/reboot complete with new animation art and everything, so if anything now is the best time to get back into it xD

a reboot? that's nice. maybe I can finally get back into it. the reboot looks cute too, especially the 3d animation. i guess I'll try to watch the new movie and see if I can get into it a little.

Sounds like a plan :D