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No worries about that!

I have been a DM for my family before, but my brother has done it more and has a lot more experience.  I think that you can't always tell whether your players are going to stay on track with your story or de-rail it.  But, I think the most fun thing about dnd is the rewards, the npcs and the character development.  Characters with meaning are always great in a story.  Like a wizard with a bright red beard that lives in a castle faraway and supposedly has the most powerful magic in all the land, no one knows who he is, but you've been sent to harness the magic and bring it back to the king.  Then turns out, the king has a plan to give it to his wizard (who turns out to be evil) and now the real boss fight begins, and such.  It's mainly about making a world that your players will enjoy, and a storyline/plot that is adventurous, plot twists are good as well. was she the one you liked?  I waited because I had mentioned using her for a dnd character in her bio and had suspected it was her.  

Alrighty, so basically have a lot of ideas in my head and be good at improv lol. Good thing I was in drama class for a good bit.

And no, it was Void. I had been hoping to make them into a creature that leads the party through the maze I'm making them start in. I saw in the comments once I got home that I was an hour late to possibly getting Void, but it's not a huge deal.

oh I see, I'm sorry!  I hope your dming goes well!  Don't be too worried if the players derail a bit, as long as they don't completely overhaul the campaign with their own ideas, you should be fine :) Also make sure all the players are able to ask questions and have their own bit of fun and inquiry.  Sometimes one player can take over the campaign and won't wait for everybody else to make decisions!

I'll do my best to make sure it's a good campaign for the players, I make sure to tell them that if they have any ideas to tell me because I might use them. Though I try to not make it the exact idea so there is still some mystery to it. Thank you for telling me all this, it has honestly really helped a lot.

That's a good idea!  And no problem at all!  I like to help when I can <3