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;v; well would you prefer an at or a custom because I don't mind doing either! I just know it probably prefer to get art of one of my ocs cx

And shipping wise... blind ship? Pick ppl we like ship? New ppl for sole storyline idea ship? C:

Hmmmm.... I think I'd really love a custom myself. And I'd love to do art of your OCs~ X>

As for shipping, I'd say pick peeps we like or blind shipping ^^

alright! We can trade art for custom then ;W;

hngn well blind shipping is interesting....mind you it's likely gonna be a pretty boy. Unless you'd prefer me draw a girl. ;V;


And I like pretty boys ^^ Don't usually do any shipping with girls. My guys always tend to be gay xD

hahha alright cx maybe you can note me on dA about custom ideas? ;V; (and I have to think who I want art of omg)

I'll try to draw a guy then x'D I had a vague idea but I'm pretty sure it won't work out on first try hahah

Sounds good, I'll note ya there then :>

And Yaaaaay guys~ XD I'm sure you can do it!!!