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BRUH I AGREEE when u need it most art motivation says sayonara smh :(

BRO I WOULD LOVE TO DO AN ART TRADE I have one going on rn but i might ask you in the future for one ;;)) hint hint BECAUSE YOUR NEW CHARAS BETTY AND VELVET ARE SO PRETTY GHRGRGRHH and the pieces you drew for them are so lovely..,,..,. ur art is so pretty sob?!?!? STOP MAKING NEW CHARAS I GOTTA DRAW EM ALL /j/j/j but I would love to draw them ghrgrghrhrhrghr :growls:

HANDS OFF MY TALENT >:OO /j/j jkjk your art is already SO PRETTY give me your DESIGN SKILSS BROOO all your oc’s outfits are insanely pretty,, like not making this up. id even be up for a design trade just to get my grubby hands on a cara design bbebghhd

IM SO GLAD YOUR DOING WELL!! always good to hear <3<3

Sorry for the late reply jdshfiaehfj I've been inactive online for the past lil bit because of school and other life stuff //cries

yo feel free to ask me whenever u want for ats !! Even if my motivation is low as long as you'd be willing to wait for a bit extra for me to get my side done I'd be more than down :O ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH AAAAA ;;;; I'm so glad you like them and the art I've made of em so far ;o; also pls do I need more art of them I will definitely be asking you to draw one of them when we do an art trade next :eyes:

tHANK YOU SO MUCHIHDSFIUADFJ ;;;; and I would totally be down for a design trade as well- I actually have a cursed bakery character I need a design for but idk if I wanna design them myself lmao- besides I need to get my hands on one of your designs too like I NEED ONE SOMEDAY they're all so pretty sobs

sorry my message is so late!!! school has not been treating me well ghgnnmgmngngn

im such a big fan of the cursed bakery’s designs bro u dont even know!!!!!! i love how intricate they are 😭 and how theyre designed all after a cake..,, 10/10 charas !!!!<3

maybe we could do an art trade this weekend..,,,.. its up to u! im chill with waiting, im usually a bit slow with my side anyway :,,)

no worries at all, its the same for me jdhsfjdhfj I hope school backs off and stops treating you badly soon >:'0 at least summer is coming soon though so that's good !!

aAA thank you so much again !!! I'm really glad that you're liking their designs so far bc I know I didn't design two of them but I'm still glad to hear you're liking them so far B) I'm so passionate about this story right now I swear ;;; I love these characters too much 💜💜💜

man I would say yes to the weekend, but I'm gonna be starting training for a part time job so I can make some money over the weekend so that might not work ?? i suppose it depends on how tired i am afterwards though- but maybe like sometime next week would work depending on my schedule 🤔 yeyeah understandable idk how some people are super fast with art trades smh

CARA GETTING A JOB!? yes queen get that good money!, workin hard not hardly workin!! that’s totally fine for not this weekend dw! turns out I’m also a little busier than expected (helping someone from my church with yard work!) so it kinda evens out looolll summer is so soon! but exams,,..,,.. ew :( not excited for those. BUT I WILL NOT FAIL BECAUSE IM SMART maybe hhhhhj,,.., good luck on your exams if you have them too!! out of the 3 cursed bakery charas u have rn Betty is my favorite she’s babey :,,,,,) *hold carefully* THE STORYLINE SOUNDS RLLY COOL TOOO you have the best story ideas cara I swear!!!!!

srry for the late reply a g a i n I'm just a lil exhausted from working both weekend days lol YES INDEEDY >:D I want that good good scrilla bills of bingo cashity boo so I can buy more manga and art supplies lmao- plus I figure its good to get a part time job early so I'm ready when its time to get a better job after colleg adjhfjsrhgjjk ITS OK I BELIEVE IN U FRANCE YOU SHALL PASS THE EXAMSS <33 also I'm so gladdddddd ;o; she's honestly my favorite character so far I just love her sm she is my sweet little child //sobs TYSM AGAIN I swear the best ideas always come to me out of the blue as a result of seeing an adoptable design I like :'D


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