Comments on Spider All Comments

I love her appearence SO much! I looked at your account and she immediately stood out to me- The bright blue eyes and the color of the wires and the rubber left over on her face almost gave me a sort of "painted skull" vibe giving a glance to her icon, and I think it's super cool! I can appreciate how detailed her design is, and the way you utilized painted metal parts to almost give her a faintly organic appearence when looking at her quickly is SUPER cool!

Plus, all the colors really help difference her from other "skeleton dinosaur" designs I've seen, which I just find super cool.

Her story is also very sad, though I do think it has really nice potential for her meeting other characters and bouncing off them very well! The fact that her personality is so friendly and so much of a people person and yet she has to be alone in a warehouse all day is just depressing, I want to give her a hug

I kind of think she'd get along with Aria and Melly. Just meeting this moody doll and this polite-but-anxious one, and being like "omg there's humans! WAIT they're not humans? what are they? are they gonna want to play? they look young, but like teenagers. are their parents anywhere around, should I ask about that? maybe I don't have to yet, their parents would make them leave, plus the older one doesn't look that young! I'm sure it's fine"

I also think they'd give her a chance after the initial scare of "huge skeleton robot dinosaur" because Aria and Melly do feel more comfortable around other non-organic characters

Time to finally reply to this comment! So sorry for the delay QWQ

But gaaaaah!! Reading all of this just seriously brought a huge smile to my face, you have no idea!! <3 I'm so, SO happy you love her appearance despite her spooky looks! I can definitely see the resemblance to painted skulls with the coloration of her inner plates, I guess she's lucky she has such colorful inner mechanisms! XD

She definitely has a sad story, that's for sure QWQ Poor thing desperately tries to find humans, and even if she does, she can only hang out with them for a little while before the human has to go or she's forced back in the warehouse ;w;

I absolutely LOVE the idea you have for her interacting with your robotic dolls, too!!! :D Character interaction is one of my favorite things, and you nailed her quick and naive thought processes perfectly! XD Unfortunately she wouldn't be able to speak it out loud due to her voicebox breaking during the fire (it only makes glitchy static noises now) but I'm sure she'd be able to communicate her thoughts through actions, plus your robotic dolls would most likely understand her!

Honestly, if you do commissions, I would absolutely LOVE to commission a picture of your robotic dolls and Spider meeting and interacting!! I feel like Aria would keep his distance a bit, but Melly would happily go up to her and give her pats XD

IT'S OKAY and I'm sorry for the delay too! I've been very head mushy lately, but I'm trying to get back on top of my notifications and respond to everyone

And yes, I LOVE Spider, she's so cute even despite the outwardly intimidating design, and all the colored plates and funky bright bits really help get across her friendly personality once you get past the fact that she's a big skeleton dinosaur.

I feel so bad for her, and I hope someday she can have some humans who'll tell the new owners that she's there and get her fixed up, or at least that will come back to see her every night. I just wish her the best, poor girl

And yeah, it was just a quick idea, but I'm really happy you like it! I definitely can see her having those thought processes, and kind of communicating them non-verbally, Aria and Melly are relatively smart, so if she can figure out how to get what she wants to say across clearly, they'll likely be able to understand her once they get over being startled by her appearence. I can see them coming back to the warehouse a bunch for shelter, perhaps, and starting to build a bond with Spider that way.

Honestly, you're the first person that's ever asked me for a commision! I feel like this is a bit out of my league (I'm still trying to learn how to draw characters interacting with eachother, and I don't really know how to draw furries, even less an skeleton dinosaur- I've only ever practiced humanoids), but I'd be curious to maybe try to reach a meeting point with you and see what you've got in mind

Hey, it's no worries! We all have real life things to do :3
Guuuh that means the world to hear!! Usually people just see her as a spooky robot, but the fact that you can see past that and also appreciate her personality really makes me smile <3

Don't worry, I'm sure she'll find someone! Once a janitor ends up cleaning the warehouse and discovers her, and DOESN'T run away, hopefully that human will bond with her very often ^^
It's definitely a really awesome idea having them grow attached to her after the initial fright, and considering they need someplace to hide Spider would be more than happy spending time with the two bots during the day! :D

Honestly, would you be up for a writing commission? If you're not too good at drawing things other than humanoids, maybe you could write their interactions! You do seem to be extremely good with backstories and descriptions >w<


And honestly, that's so odd to me? Like her bio very clearly says that she's not a scary person at all and in fact has quite a cutesy personality, like have they just... not read it? But yeah, you're welcome, I love her character!

And yeees, let her befriend a friendly janitor or some sneaky teenagers or something! She deserves some human friends and some company, so I'm happy for her

Yeah, I think it'd be very sweet! I can imagine Spider having Aria and Melody hide in the warehouse with her, when anyone comes check, they just hide between the boxes and closets or she just shields them from sight herself. And they talk all day! Aria is initially quite reserved, but starts to become more comfortable and trust her more, while Melly encourages him the whole time and is the main one who chats to her at first

And... if you'd really be up for a writing commision, I could ask you some questions and try it! I'm not the most confident on my writing since I only write one-shots/short stories and consider myself a bit amateur (mainly because I don't write as often as I draw), but I'd be willing to show you my most recent writing examples so you can see for yourself and decide how much you'd be willing to pay for it ^^"

Some people just don't read descriptions, or tend to focus more on the looks <XD It kinda shows how they are with viewing character personalities, I guess ^^

She definitely deserves some company, and she'll definitely have that with your two robot dolls :D
Knowing those two have somewhere safe they can consistently hide out with a friendly animatronic dinosaur would be so helpful for them! They don't have to worry about being discovered since nobody checks around the warehouse very much anyways, poor Spider QWQ

I'd absolutely love to try!! I'm sure you'd be able to make a nice short story involving those three bots! Even if you think you're an amateur, I'm still eager to see you give it a shot, I'm positive it'll be great :D
Do you have a Discord? You could show me your writing examples on there and we can discuss prices! You can add me on Salakirby#4631 :3

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