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The only one I saw that caught my eye was Ted! I can possibly add another character to the trade for them if you’re tent :0 

gghhh I really having a hard though here since I still like Ted a lot but in the end I wouldn't do Ted for Pret goat bby im sorry 

that's okie!! is there anyone specific in your th you'd be comfy with trading for him? <3 

I think I could do anyone who doesn't have tag such as 'tent/most tent' but lmk if someone else caught ur eyes n I'll see wheter I can do them or not!

I double checked and the only ones I’m interested have the tent tag, I’m so sorry OTL 

Tysm for offering, thought!!

I don't want to give hope but would u mind to tell me who is it? cuz if it only tent tag maybe I can think abt it aaa

2 Replies