Comments on i can't fucking do this anymore. All Comments

Oh goodness, I don't like being all "we live in a society" but they are literally putting a wall around Congress which makes you know they know people don't like their ideas. Aren't they supposed to represent the people? If they know the people don't like it then why don't they actually listen to that Bill of Rights they love hugging and kissing so much and listen to the people as the very thing says they should? 

Also, really? Control bans? If you don't like killing things, which no one does, how exactly is prevention before it even gets to that point bad? If they want bans, then on the contrary, they should boost control methods so it never gets to that point! idk, we sure do live in a society.

LITERALLY a vast majority of the United States supports abortion rights in at least some capacity. Denying the right to abortion literally contradicts bodily autonomy rights too!! (forgive the image quality).


The reason they want to ban contraceptives is because they cannot stand consenting adults having casual sex and/or deriving pleasure for it. You can see it in the sadistic way they talk about women who get unexpectedly pregnant; they don't even treat it as a 'risk', they treat it as punishment

Oh yes, but they're entitled to that kind of pleasure because it's "sooo harrrrdddd"! 🤡🤡 

(For clarity's sake: this is satire)