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banning condoms is only going to make this entire situation worse because some people don't wanna get pregnant. and like........that's fucking mean?? please don;t ban condoms sometimes being pregnant is a pain in the ass according to my mom. also fuck people who defend rape. fuck those guys man

I agree! I mean if they don't want abortions make condoms available for those who want them! They were literally made to stop accidental pregnancy and if the pregnancy never happens then no abortion will happen. I still disagree with the abortion ban ofc because its the womens, or whoever is carrying the baby's, body and nobody but that one person has a say over what happens with their body. But yeah, fuck those who defend rape! Most of the people who were shown to defend babies born from rape were men who have no clue how hard it would be to be forced to carry your rapists child if the ban goes through. Cismen should have no say in this issue because they can't carry a child!

sometimes its cis women who defend rape because they find it "cute". no, it's NOT cute. I've had mutuals who've been raped and traumatized. it doesn't matter what gender you are, you shouldn't defend non-consensual sexual harassment. i wonder what goes inside some people's heads when they say shit like this

It happens to both genders I was just saying in context to the image of people defending rape on this bulletin it was mainly cismen. /nm Ciswomen aren't exempt either, rape is bad no matter who is doing it. Defending rape is terrible either way which is why I side with the victim normally bc its better to be wrong about someone who said they were raped then be wrong and defend their rapist. At the end of the day its non-consensual and you should be jailed for it. I hope your mutuals are alright, I'm sorry to hear they've been through those traumatic events. I hate that there are disgusting people who exist who think they have the authority to take advantage of people when they said no

my mutuals are ok!! a lot of people i know have been through really scary stuff, but thanks for your concern! anyways i hope that all rapists go to hell no matter what. nobody on this planet can be redeemed of their sins for a terrible crime like that.