Comments on i can't fucking do this anymore. All Comments

i definitely agree with you, but please remember that not all republicans/conservatives have the same exact opinions

The Republican Party has:

1. Elected several racists and sexual predators to offices in not only a local capacity but also a federal capacity.

2. Campaigned for and actively participated in increased immigration restrictions, including taking children away from their families and putting them in cages.

3. Passed several laws criminalizing gender affirming healthcare (sending parents of trans children and doctors who help them to JAIL.)

4. Actively helped form the prison-industrial complex and thus codify literal slave labor.

5. Pushed several wars and colonialist expansions which leave millions dead in other countries

6. Pushed for looser gun control despite the prevalence of school shootings.

7. Actively campaigned for the repealment and active opposition of rights, including but DEFINITELY not limited to gay marriage, legalization of sodomy (wow! did you know it used to be illegal to be gay?), recognition of transgender rights, lifting of discrimination towards black people (Rosa Parks, anyone?), right of women to vote, etc.


Not only that, but the wife of one of the conservative supreme justices was at the Jan 6 rally leading up to the attack, and there are texts exposing her for *checks notes* WANTING THE DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT DEPOSED.


1. Women being inferior to men.

2. White supremacy.

3. Slavery.

4. Sharecropping.

5. Colonialism.

6. The KKK.

7. Lynchings/Lynch mobs.

8. Fascism.

9. Union Busting.

10. Criminalizing being gay.

11. Banning of Muslims from immigrating to the United States.

12. Preventing women from having bank accounts and owning property.

13. Preventing women and black people from voting,

14. The Confederate Army.

15. Prison-Industrial complexes & the death penalty.

16. Criminalization of harmless drugs & over policing of black neighborhoods.

17. Redlining.

18. Eugenics and forced sterilization. 

19. Restriction of education -- prevention of teaching Sex Ed, the truth of American history, etc.

20. Preventing divorce. 

This is a very, very non-exhaustive list. But take a look at it and ask yourself: is any of it forgivable? Is ALL of it forgivable?

Republicans and Conservatives are not created that way. They were not BORN with these political opinions. They are hateful, spiteful, bigoted people. They choose, actively, every single day to vote for a party which does and believe these things.

Saying "Not all Republicans" or "Not all conservatives" is like saying "Not all Nazis." 

holy cow you are so good w words /gen

thanks sm!! ^^ i just engage with a lot of politics, that's all it is :P my words are nothing but an echo of smarter people than i lmfaoo

I mean this in the most polite way possible, but I would also highly encourage you to watch and thoroughly listen to this video. Having empathy for other people is a good thing, but too much empathy for the wrong sorts of people can easily be taken advantage of. 

you are mostly right, but the republican party was created against slavery and things related to it so that part is wrong.

also, many democrats, not all of them though, insert many lies in the school system too, so it isnt exclusive to conservatives

The republican party was indeed created against slavery! However, that was in 1854. Over time, their goals have reversed, (having been nearly 200 years since. Duh). Don’t compare current intentions to the intentions of 200 years ago. All the original founders are long dead and buried.

The Republican and Democrat parties essentially switched their stances on politics around the 1940s -- after slavery was repealed. (Thus, the Democrats are now politically aligned with anti-slavery -- a left-wing idea). This is easily accessible information, and your omission of it is inherently dishonest. And I did NOT say that slavery was a Republican idea, I said it was a conservative idea. They are different things, please learn correct political language before engaging with this conversation further.

It's laughable that you think lying in schools is in any way comparable to the things I listed, but I am very curious as to what 'lies' the Democrats are putting into schools. Please link me a source, and I am very curious to know if it is in any way worse than Donald Trump's proposed political propaganda, the consistent erasure of racial conversations in textbooks, or the prominent Christian Fundamentalist Republicans DENYING EVOLUTION AND TEACHING IT TO KIDS.

You do not need to bend over backwards to defend racists, misogynists, homophobes, and people who would rather women DIE than get life-saving medical treatment to get rid of a clump of cells. This is not and never was a both-sides issue.

It really speaks to your privilege and sheltered upbringing that you are able to ignore these things and faff about in the political center, when the marginalized -- the poor, the disabled, the people of color -- literally have their lives dependent on Republicans not screwing them over. THE PERSONAL IS POLITICAL. Some Republican restricting food stamps may not impact you personally, you might not even care, but some kids are going hungry because of it. And if you look at the side that time and time and time again refuses to have basic human empathy for people in need (poor people, homeless people, immigrants and the disabled and) it is always, ALWAYS conservatives.

Voting Republican and being a Republican is morally wrong, it is unethical, and doing so makes you a bad person. There is no good Republican no matter what they say or what they do because every single thing that party stands for and everything that party does puts more harm out into the world. 

Get more politically educated and stop regurgitating talking points from the likes of Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. 

you’re right, my reasoning is stupid and irrelevant. thank you for educating me on this topic more, though i wish you could have been a bit less harsh. whenever i try to have a respectful conversation about politics the other side always throws in insults even though i didn’t do anything -.- but i guess I should expect it huh?

i am unsure as to why i defend something i am against, especially because my parents ignore my gender identity and it makes me very uncomfortable

i always try to investigate both sides of an issue, its the fun part

That’s alright, I’m sorry I was a bit harsher than I needed to be. I know (from first hand experience!!) how hard it can be to try and relearn things you always took as the truth — especially when you don’t really see firsthand the things that people are up in arms about.

 I know none of the stuff we were discussing is really about economics, but my family has always been really well off (comparative to most of America anyways) and I was raised with the attitude that anyone could ‘pull themselves up by their bootstraps’ and succeed. I thought this way for so long that at a certain point I was under the impression that every homeless person was lazy, addicted to drugs etc. Obviously this isn’t true, but I was so caught up in my vision of the world and my own sense of self-superiority that I refused to even slightly believe that there could be systemic issues. After all, if it worked for me it worked for everybody, didn’t it?

Eventually I did come to my senses, but it took several arguments with friends and a few people on YouTube to get me out of it. It took me way, way longer than it should have and it is something that I will always be ashamed of. I try my best nowadays to make up for the harmful rhetoric I was pushing in those times.

I have to say that it is astoundingly mature of you to be able to have your mind changed by someone else. There are grown adults who would rather cover their ears and dig their heads in the sand than listen to someone with an opposing viewpoint, and you are far, far better than I was at your age. Politics are something I am deeply passionate about nowadays and I do apologize again for my tone. It is important to come at these sorts of conversations with an understanding of where the other person is coming from, and I should know as well as anyone else that being properly aware of leftist ideas is not a commonplace thing in today’s society.

Investigating both sides of an issue is very admirable of you. It just may be wasted on those sorts of people — tolerance is something that they tend to latch onto and exploit, even if unintentionally. (The age-old addage of ‘tolerating the intolerant’ or whatever). Never, ever let yourself be put in an echo chamber, even if it’s one you agree with! Learning about conservative thought is important in understanding the reasons why people can come to those positions. It’s a bit of a slippery slope when it comes to empathizing with those thoughts, though. Reasons do not excuses make. …I’m having a rough time wording this correctly but I hope it comes across! I definitely do encourage learning about different ways of thinking, I just don’t encourage thinking in harmful ways lmao ^^;

And I am genuinely deeply sorry about your parents. No one should ever have to live with people who invalidate their gender on the regular. I can really relate as someone with a conservative father — a big part of the reason I remained in the center politically and even conservative economically for so long despite everything I believed in not lining up with it is because I was trying to give him ‘one last chance’ as weird as it sounds. I thought that there was no way that things my father believed in could be bad, because I was having a disconnect between my feelings about him and his politics.

Ultimately I ended up realizing he was just a bad person lmfao but for people whose parents are probably not straight-up bad people it can be really hard coming to terms with your political disagreement. I don’t have a great solution to it (I’ll let you know if I ever find one!) but it is a really difficult spot to be in and I am so sorry you have to be.

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