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hiya Fufu! I have some gifts for you- I was getting a milkshake and thought you might want one too, so I hope you don't mind me grabbing you a strawberry one like last time~ on the way back I also saw a flower and it reminded me of you, so I grabbed that for you too!

O-oh-! A-are you sure,,, I-I can have these...?? 

hmm?? of course!! I bought the milkshake for you, after all, and I thought maybe the flower would look nice in your hair... you already look so lovely, but I thought it would be a nice touch-

Blushes and looks at her hands timidly I-I-I don't think I-I'm w-worthy,,of all that,,,

no worries! I'll make sure that one day, you'll be able to see everything you are worth, because you're absolutely priceless to me. Smiles softly at Dafune

Hides her red face with her hands Th-th,, y-you....

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