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Out of everyone in your OCs folder, I was intrigued by Erika's design (based on the thumbnail) the most! I think it's because I have a liking for soft-looking characters like Erika. I love her design overall, especially the dream catcher accessories. I wonder though, do they have any special meaning in regards to her design or do they have any meaning for Erika personally? Or is it just her preferred fashion taste?

I like the concept of her story and I'd love to read more if you add further info to her profile in the future! It seems like you may have a complex story planned for her, with it being about a group of survivors and what I assume may be a plot to fight against the invaders of the planet--or just survive, which is as equally difficult to write about. For this, I applaud you and I wish you luck with developing her even more! 

Thanks lol. I tend to prefer rougher edgier characters, so designing Erika was a bit tricky for me, so it's really cool to hear that her design appeals to you. I tend to prefer the goth style, but if goth wasn't a thing, I'd go for the boho/hippie style and that's what I was trying to do with her. I'm still kind of working with her lore, but part of it has to do with me considering making a culture based on Native American culture and she'd be the character who is of that culture. If not that, then I was thinking of giving her dream related powers. 

Thanks again, she's kind of the mom of the group, very loosely speaking because they were all children at the start of the story, she just so happened to be the oldest. The weird thing is that she's one of the main characters (and is one of the first to appear) but she's one of my least developed. As mentioned, I work best with edgy, morally grey (or black) characters. Erika is a very light character. She is one of the few who doesn't have a tragic back story and didn't do anything like shoplift or something outright evil. She's actually a very tricky character for me to work with. 

They're actually survivors of a war in the first arc. The invaders are from another planet but they are human(oid) as well, save for Corelane who is assisting the main villain with her domination plans. Arc 2 introduces invaders from a distant galaxy. Erika is one of the few survivors of the first planet that the main villain destroyed. And thanks so much, it is a tough write because when I first started this it was more or less like this show I loved called Totally Spies; it didn't have a plot, just a few kids fighting various villains.  Since then it developed a plot and that plot just kind of wrote itself in a sense. 

Thanks so much for your comment and giving me a chance to talk about Erika and the world she's from! My response took a bit because I wanted it to be just as in depth as your comment!

I actually understand your struggle a bit. I personally like writing about characters that have supernatural or fantasy elements, so when I get a character that's pretty normal like Daemon (especially this guy) or these two here, I do tend to struggle with character development. I wish you the best in developing her! Sometimes it's good to step out of our comfort zones, especially if we don't want our characters to be repetitive in concepts and theme x).

Ohh totally spies yeaH I loved that show when I was a kid! I get what you mean. Sometimes stories/concepts are pretty much set in our heads, but when we actually write it down, it gets so much more complicated. OTL then the list of things to write get longer and longer, until it just gets set aside until there's enough inspiration to write everything down ;___;.

I'm glad you were able to talk a bit about her! Her story does seem more complicated than what I previously thought and I wish you EVEN MORE luck with her development!