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Yeah, didn't know what I was doing, I figured out it meant following though, and decided I definitely wanted too.

And thanks, tbh I spent a long time getting an invite...Really enjoying it so far though!

Thank you!!

Youre welcome. and I almost forgot to ask. the characters you have. did you get them drawn for you, or did you draw them yourself? Or did you use an avatar creator?  just making sure that you credited properly.

Ah, I used an avatar creator on one, then my other one, Chrys, my close friend drew her.... How do I credit? Sorry, still getting the hang of things...

there should be a section when uploading/editing a  character. if its onsite just type In their TH user. if its offsite, change it to offsite and link the source. or at least link to the creators social media or something

2 Replies