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Hello, its me again. So um... I'm not sure if your out of it at the moment, or if youre even online, but i was trying to remake your template by what you said, but i kinda got confused about something. Do i need to use <p></p>for each line of text in the table row or is there something else to it? Sorry for bugging you if youre busy or something...

In the boxes themselves, like, on one of my profiles the section where it has things listed as name, gender, orientation, all that? <br> between those so like name:<br> gender:<br> orientation: <br>

But in regards to like spaces between a table and another like the space between the General Information table and the Appearance Information table? That'd be a </p><p>

I mostly used the proper break in regards to spacing sections out for more readability so the text doesn't blend all together. But like the baseline template used <br> either work though depending. 
