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hey! yes I'd totally look at trades or art offers. (And just for clarification: I keep art offers at a maximum of 3 pieces, and only up to 1 custom, to encourage quality not quantity and any more gets forgotten! :0)

Ok! That’s completely understandable— I’d offer 3 fullbodies, 1 with bg, 1 custom, and maybe a premade character or 2 (pretty much anyone except my mains would be fine if you’d like)?

hey sweet! I'd totally accept that <3 I don't see anyone in your toyhouse I'd use, but I'd accept the art + custom alone.

One question, how comfortable would you be with having fun and experimenting with some random non-cat creatures like in -> Homebound? if so, feel free to pick anyy characters from there you think would be fun to try to draw and use those for the fullbodies! If not, feel free to look around in My Mains if you see some you'd be more ok with :P

as for the custom, here's a few moodboards you could choose from? <3 Option 1 , Option 2 , Option 3

ok that was the longest way to word all that, sorry XD

Great, I can totally do that! Your home bounds actually look really fun to draw so I’ll go with them, and probably moodboard 3.

awesome man, sounds good!! <3

dudeee that first image is amazing thank you!!! 

Tysm! Also sorry it took me a while, I totally didn’t forget to upload it 3 days ago lol

1 Replies

hey, i kinda lost connection with beryl- since i've already done one of my payments, would you mind if i switched my offer to alula? (btw i'll have the 2nd one done once i add just a few details ackk, so sorry this has taken soso long!)

Hi there. Thanks for telling me so I'm in the loop. Alula is not for sale, she's just in my limbo folder, sorry. I have a sum of deviantart points, would you be comfortable with reimbursement for your time like I just paid for two commissions from you? Thanks.

hello, i'm so sorry i didn't see this earlier! i haven't been clearing my notifications and i must've missed it. yes, i would be comfortable with that, if you still have the points you can just give me however many you see fit, my art has improved a lot and i don't really remember how much i would've priced commissions at.

4 Replies