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I didn't think of it at first to be as the same price as ur offer but if you wish I can, it just won't be a very complex flat (and especially if the characters you want me to draw have complex details) ^^'

Idk if they have a complex detail but I want you to check if its to hard for you to draw! Also tell me if you want me to change any character! You find hard to draw! YEET Here! &

i take a look at your characters and i think its okay for the flat color, by complex details i was especially thinking of armors x) so for the characters, you want me to draw them together ? or just two drawings separate ?

two drawings separate💕 also can't wait to see it. Ofbskfbsjfbdkdbs

I actually thought you can't draw details cloth! Becuz I had many characters that has details cloth 👀💦

okay ! do you have ideas of poses, idk, or its totally free ?

yeah i see that ! (not as a bas thing ! >.<) actually details cloths are complicated to for me but for yours i think its okay so np ~

Hhh- free pose just think what's they're Personality! I haven't given them personally! But Annie is a shy girl and Lilith is a quiet person! X"D

Ahh Tysm actually I was about to give you a details Oc but I read your CAN and CAN'T draw! So fosbcjbaidbais

6 Replies