Comments on big purge NO OFF LIMITS // in need of money :( All Comments Start of Thread Parent

i am like. 1 month late . but im in deep need of money rn, so if you're still interested (sorry if u arent, its ok tho!) i can sell him to u akdashd

Totally I just have some stuff to pay off rn but the second I get the 25 I’ll send it to ya

yes ofc omg take all the time you need !!

Could ya hand me ur PayPal so I can keep it in my notifs for when I can send it :]

Another update imdgmg omg vinn im so sorry I keep being liek “GAH ZAMNG NOTHING IS WORKING” but goodness after I get off my shift ima try to figure something out cause my PayPal like full on flipped me off so I might have to figure out a third party kinda way or get my acc to work again?? Im really sorry man ty for being so patient with me  ☹️

OH WIAT TGEYRE GINE HSMSB still Tysm for keepin em on hold for so long even though so much was going on !! 

9 Replies

HI!! any updates on this? :3

Hi hi I’m in the middle of moving at the moment so I’ve been super busy with that and helping my family out with moving fees and what not but I’ll do my best to try and get it to ya as soon as I can!! :]

6 Replies