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This man is known as the "Puppetmaker". He can turn normal humans into his Puppets and controls them with strings which come out of the tips of his fingers. What does he keep them for? Noone knows, but some speculate that he keeps them as butlers or as collective items. He chooses his victim by picking out a normal citizen at day, stalking them and punishes them for what they did wrong, like disrespecting their parents or stealing something. Then he kidnapps them and bring them to his hideout to puppetify them. How does he turn people into his puppets? Who knows but that blood on his mask don't come out of nowhere. Turning people into his puppets and punishing them for their mistakes has turned into a addiction. His Puppets all have the same expression: A very happy one. They smile brightly but it's forced. Eyes wiede open, a grin that reach from ear to ear- that's how they greet you.
He wears this mask to, of course, hide his identity. His other identity is a 28 years old man named Gerald Hutson. He gives himself as a very gentlemanly and polite person who like giving others a hand. He works as a editor at a very known newspaper company and is respected by the people who work under him. Noone would suspect their respected editor to be a insane man.
Gerald's only family member is his little sister Sophie Hutson - 16 year of age, a sweet personality that can't hurt a fly, a little sensitive even. He loves her deeply and is sometimes too overprotective of her. He is afraid that his sister may find out about his other life, his secret and hate him.

cool submission, thanks for entering! ^^ Make sure to check back in a week to see if you get him!

Hey! I don't mean to bother but I thought maybe you forgot this? ^^'

Oh, sorry! I meant to do it yesterday, but it slipped my mind what with Inktober and some stuff IRL. Since you're the only commenter, congratulations, you've won him! ^^ You have a week to accept the transfer.

Also, would you like to buy a commission of him? I offer half off of any and all commissions of my adopts if you get it within the first week of ownership!

It's fine! It happens sometimes :) Thank You!

I have to pass, i'm afraid! I'm not allowed to spend money on the internet but thanks you for the offer!

kk, enjoy your new OC! :3

no prob, thanks anyway! I hope you enjoy your new OC! :3