Comments on Gareth Cerard All Comments

"Gareth has a grimdarkness that lends itself well to Derse but at his core, he is about loyalty, religious brightness in his soul that speaks deeply to Prospit Prospit tends to be (though definitely Isn't) more of the Heroic archetypes (Vriska, though she is not a hero, is a Hero), while Derse lends itself to Antiheroes well, and Gareth strikes me more as just a Hero than an Antihero"

"I've already touched on Gareth--depressed and bitter, but he is, at his core, a heroic person who wants to do the best he can through largely above-board methods. He has the impression of a person who thinks (beyond the layer of his cynicism), that all good people will prevail because they are inherently good, and he has to cling to the hope that that will be Enough to push them over the edge of victory. It's the Hope."

Sylph of Doom

Sylph is a magic-based class that is thought to specialize in healing. As such, the definition of Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others.

Those bound to the aspect of Doom are fate's chosen sufferers. It may not sound like an overly pleasant aspect to be aligned with, but it does come along with great wisdom and empathy. The Doom-bound understand that misery loves company, and they are ready and willing to provide said company. The Doom-bound won't fix you; they aren't healers. They are commiserators, aware that sometimes the only thing you can do for a person is let them know that they are not alone in their suffering. They are not the advice friend-they're the friend you go to when you need to vent about a rough day at work. They are not necessarily noble martyrs, either-the Doom-bound can become quite irate about their lot. At their best they are wise, kind, and non-judgemental. At their worst, bitter, resentful, and fatalistic.


Sylph of Doom: One who Invites Creation of Doom or one who Invites Creation through Doom

Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines

A Sylph of Doom would likely have all kinds of ideas and opinions about rules and obligations and which ones should be followed. They have a habit of being a goody two shoes, never breaking the rules and even trying to hold others to the same rules. They are very responsible, cautious and pessimistic people. They limit and restrict what doesn’t fit into their world view, including other people. They might get annoyed by optimistic hyperactive people who can’t sit still or can’t follow through with responsibilities.

They try to regulate and create rules for even improv-type games and things that aren’t meant to have solid rules. They believe their own standards and rules are the correct ones and try to enforce them whenever possible. They definitely remind me of no nonsense nanny types. They definitely try to instill a healthy sense of pessimism and caution in others and themselves, saying 'no you can’t its impossible’. They would try to hold people back from what they perceive as wrong or dangerous. Needless to say they aren’t very adventurous or really exciting people. They’re not likely to be very active or energetic either. They might have a hobby of pruning plants or gardens, inviting creation through burning/cutting off the weak parts of the plants.

For scarier/more evil Sylphs of Doom you can see them culling the necessary people or animals they view as wrong, dying or decaying. Maybe they even try to burn or kill anything that doesn’t follow their rules.