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sorry, but nothing interested me qwq

How much are you looking for money wise?

you can check my favs, but as I remember there's no any of them who have trading status (but mb I'm wrong)
about money - I'd be happy to sell her at least by her ref-price which is 230$ but it's not AB

I offered on all that I could in your favorites also because I can't remember if I mentioned them I do have a rare myo for the closed species cavern cosa with three mutations you can choose any three mutations I noticed you had a few closed species in your favorites I can link their Instagram page if you want

for cs you can find here what I like and dislike

Cosas were not listed but Incase you've never seen them and might like them I'll link the insta

2 Replies

Is there a character you know you like that I can offer on?