Comments on Dey All Comments

hey dey!! hope you dont mind random comments haha

i was wondering if you have any socials such as twitter or deviantart or anything cause i really love your art/designs and if you have more socials would love to follow you on other platforms :)


Hi! I'm active only in instagram! It's @deys_artworks :)

tysm!!! ill give ya a follow :D

hey its me again rghiusfhish

i just found your base shop, and was curious about the lines you used for most designs here, are they by any chance p2u lines or are they for your personal use? (if they're just for personal use that's very valid btw!! just curious as they look rlly cool /pos)


These lines were available for my Patrons or for 10$ via Paypal! Feel free to DM me in Instagram (if possible) to buy

oops forgot to respond to this haha

ive sent you a message on insta! :D