Comments on adopt thoughts? All Comments

i'm not really one for furry adopts, but i'm forever :eyes: at what you make regardless!

n we both know i'm a HUGE sucker for your tiefling designs, so i will always hope for more from you GFKLGFLKFG BUT! it'd be neat to see you do some other dnd races, esp genasi! i think you'd have a lot of fun with the elemental themes of them, like the earth ones *_* or.. mayhaps you could do something themed around rpg classes, like your take on them... i'll always advocate for fantasy designs from you regardless cause they're always gorgeous :elmo:

tysm!! (ill def post a bulletin when/if i do those )

hnng thats so good to hear honestly i always gravitate to tieflings somehow..LOL

and omg whatre the chances ive specifically been thinking of doing genaai designs lately as well? hello? MLMLFDMDF takes notes..

tysm! πŸ₯ΊπŸ’š