Comments on [F2U] Basic Profile Code All Comments

love the code!! just wanna point out that the art fight icon keeps deleting itself..? and every time I try to add it back it just. vanishes. same with trying to update any icons I don't need and want to replace ^^'

edit!: I figured it out! I dont know much about coding but the icon for artfight didn't have "fab" before it and i didnt realize i had to add those in for new ones qwq

that's alright, atleast you figured it out! xD

Hi sorry to bother but I've ran into the same problem except once I added Fab it turned into a square with an X in it do you know why by any chance? ^^'' I also tried using other icons and it still wouldnt work

helloo! You could try fas instead of fab, fab is used for brand icons like discord & youtube!

It worked!! Thank you so much I can finish it now!

your welcome ^u^!