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What happened to your DA, Panda? I just noticed it got deactivated...

Btw, it's me, Isaacboom.

(I wonder if I should have sent a message instead of commenting on your profile...)

A lots happening between my mother and I. As I'm almost 18 years old, I'm nearing to my point of wanting to move out and she doesn't want me to leave, so we got into a huge argument and ended in my deviantart getting deactivated at one point. I'll be making a new account soon, so don't worry. I haven't given up on art just yet!

If you'd like to keep in touch, you could message me here anytime you'd like, as she doesn't know about Toyhouse. I also have an Instagram, my username there is   sp00ky.niight.terr0r , its a private account, but ill accept your request if you have an instagram and we can text there a lot more

Omg I was so worried about you! And I can see your not active on your twitter.

Sad to hear you're having problems at home and that you wanna move, hopefully things will get better, on the meantime I wish you the best of luck.

Btw, sent you a following request on Instagram, my username being Xross_Legends, the account is not that old since I made this account a few months back, since the old account was too personal, following and being followed by my family and IRL friends, the new one is more public and unknown by them.