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hhhh im crying i love smmm,,,,, would 500 points be enough??

ack thank you for your interest in Marina !!
I think i got her as a payment for a character so i'm not entirely sure about her worth,, but I believe it ranges somewhere from 700 ~ 800 points?? :'0 if you could do maybe 700 points then that would be great !! but if you don't have enough points then could you possibly do an art add on? hdfjkfhdasjk

thank you for the offer regardless !! :"D

yeah im definitely interested in marina!!! i have 670 points rn,, but im saving up to afford a niice design so ill have to pass, sorry!! i might come back to this later aa

glad to hear it! and feel free to come back anytime - i'm trying to get rid of a majority of my characters so your interest actually helps out a lot xD