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Alrighty!! It's still not working with the brackets removed; do you reckon it's cause theyre in a sub-folder that's nested? I doubt it as it works in the page you linked for your example, but sometimes TH is just weird LMAO. (I've also tried to make it look as much as your code as I could, so now it looks like this:


Edit: Do you have the display-block bit in your code at the end? I can't quite see it in your screenshot (though I removed it and it did nothing so I put it back in the code for now)

Edit !!!! My caps are still broken but it works !!!!!! Yay!!!! Apparently the code doesn't care about capitalization for some reason, but now I can breathe easy Lmao. Thank you so so much for you patience !!!

Aah i'm glad it worked!! >< Yeah the code is kinda finicky which is a bit annoying,,,, 

the display:block part is mainly just so it's in another line and not directly attached to the name (if that makes sense!), I have that somewhere else in my code >< 

Yeah that makes sense! Again, thank you so much !!