Comments on 🌱 || permanent trade hub! All Comments

Hey! I’m interested in 

I can offer $ for them! I know you said you don’t have a set price yet but do you have like a range of where they would be around? 

I think the min. I would take for him atm is $50? :0

That’s fair they are very detailed :) Could I think on it and get back to you on if itll work out on my end?

Totally! I also do customs if those possibly interested you? :3

They start at $15 for something like this, but the more you offer the more things you add/cleaner the piece will be!

Ooooo those do interest me! Could I get back to you about a custom in a couple days? I need to make sure I have the correct funds to do so first haha :)

Of course! :3