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Hmm...oh maybe something with and if that's OK. 

if not, maybe a ROYGBIV character?

sorry for the late reply I was trying to think of which OC to use cus I got a lot lol.

I'm sorry but the links aren't working for me >< If you could send me a screenshot of their profiles I could totally write something with them though :>

Ah okay! 

I got the screenshots, how can I send them to you? sorry if that's a weird thing to ask.

If you have discord I think you can link a photo though that, or you could use some link maker sites like imgbb or postimages
and after you get the link ya just gotta click this:
unknown.pngand paste it :]

I think I'll send them over to you on Discord if that's OK.

what's your discord?


2 Replies