Comments on 5. || Everlight All Comments

Hello! I used this code for my profile! I did some tweaking here and there to customize, and also decided I wanted to have my profile image be in a circle instead of a square so I took a little bit from your "Eclipse" profile theme to do that (it took me a while to get it centered because I haven't touched html in YEARS but I eventually got the image centered on desktop, even if it's still set to the left on mobile).

I love all the notes you leave in, it made customization a LOT easier for someone like me who doesn't know much about coding!

Hi there!

I'm glad you like this code and I am also very happy to hear that my notes are useful! Ty for using! c:

In your circle avatar (class="card rounded-circle ml-4 mb-3"), try replacing "ml-4" to "mx-auto". It should center the circle on both PC and mobile, since it'll choose margin size equally from the both size by X-axis! 

:D It worked! Thank you so much 💕